Monday 7 November 2011

 HA3..tyqah miss kau cngd...bilew adeq on9 abng x on9 pown ...npew abng x on9...stiap ary adeq tunggu abng on9....n abng x mcg adeq pown....its okay lew abng pew2 pown adeq ttp syg abng...stiap ary adeq tunggu abng on9...slalu nyew blek abng dew on9 keesokan ary nyew..its oaky lew abng..hope abng chat n eppy always...n adeq harap abng jngn cry adeq laen dh lew..adeq pompuan jew x ley..adeq laki up to you...n ADEQ CYUNX ABGN CNGD2...


  1. it's okay atie..tak menang pun;ve tried your hardest dan zura harap hockey rps bersatu and still ada utk capai kejayaan yg akan dtg. Hockey RPS boleh!!

    PS: tahniah sebab dah adaa blog baru. cantik..dah ada kemajuan daripada fb. ;)

  2. tengss zurah coz bgy support at atie...tengss a lot frewns...
